29 April 2012

I'm Back...just for a while...

No 'special' meaning... I thought it was a nice view when I was relaxing on the sun deck...

MIAed for so long and when I decided to make a return to Changi, I was greeted with 'disappointment'...

The day started wet and rainy but ended super Hot...the long lost 'cooked lobster' feeling came back to haunt me...

Robin, the CBCB king was the king of the day with 4plus and 3plus kg ah sengs and a 1kg plus ACK. (Robin, happy with the acknowledgement?)
 For those whom are deeply in love with Robin, catch him in action with the ACK...

This was followed with a smaller ack and 2 smaller sengs.

Capt Anand and Me? Big Fat Zero Fighters... think we went to more than 5 spots and no bites!!!Lucky the anchor wench was working...otherwise, another 'brokeback' sea trip

Guessed it is time to fish effectively and follow the moon readings...which we are going to put this theory to the test in our next trip!!!

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