30 July 2011

30th July 2011 - 'Kopitiam' Fishing Day

WHY kopitiam???
Because we got so much variety (including the misses and releases), including DURIANs...Yes, my favourite...

Capt: Anand
Total anglers: 7
AO: Offshore Changi

My favourite trip to date because we got really lucky with some good rojak catches!!!

1st Stop - Never Disappoints!
We never expected it to be a Gao day...We hit many gaos and just 1 very nice size ACK (by Vicki) in this 'ACK city'. All our nice size gaos were ambushed in this fertile land...
And this include the flower crab and a smart 'run away' Paul the octopus.

2nd Stop - Show time!
Supposed to be queenie spot. BUT we hit a v gd 1.1kg Grunter, Duri and 2 x Jew fish.

3rd Stop - DURIANs
How amazing! We received complimentary P.Ubin durians from XXX's friends working in Ubin at the barge... Unfortunately, all were unripe...wasted!

4th Stop - 'Suay' Spot
Supposed to be KBL spot. BUT we kenna a sea snake!!! (highlight at this spot).
And as we searched deep for the KBLs, we lost our anchor to the treacherous ground (line snapped).

Isn't this trip fun??? We have ACK, grouper, grunter, jew fish, duri, cuttlefish, crab, octopus, sea snake and durian...

10 July 2011

9th July 2011 - The Moon Phase Theory Works Beautifully!!!

After checking the Lunar calender, Cpt Anand issued an 'Ops order' for the team to strike at 0700hrs to catch the 'golden times' where fishes start feeding on 9th July.

OMG! that means I have to wake up darn early, eat breakfast and try to find a cab to rush down to MCC by 630am... NO way!!! I defied the order and delayed the ops to 830am.

Though we missed the sunrise hr, we put our hopes together for the moonrise hr btn 1230pm to 1330pm and the rest is history...

Crew: Capt Anand and 6 men
Primary objective: Usual 'playground'
Secondary objectives: Search and 'destroy' Uncle Fong's spot

Highlight at Spot#1 - 1.1kg Queenie
Highlight at Spot #2 - Stingray
Highlight at Spot #3 - ACKs, Gaos and Cuttlefish with a few BIG misses (I think Rajan missed the biggest take when the suspected big Gao dashed successfully for cover among the corals.
Highlight at Spot#4 - Double KBLs (consecutive hooked ups by Vicky)

What a day! We hit Spot #3 at moonrise and BAM!, we were super happy, busy and 'roasted' during the golden hr.

This is called productive fishing!

 Vicky's last burst of fire got himself a surprise doubles! Well done!

 Thanks to Ms Moonrise, the harvest was great!!!