19 September 2010

18 Sep 2010 - Broke Back Boating

This was my best trip on North Star V to date.

Robin (aka fat Uncle Oh) - 2 grunters & 2 ah sengs
Ben - grunter & 2 ah sengs
Desmond (aka Captain) - ACK and Gao
James (aka fatter Uncle) - ang kway, Gao and Cuttlefish
Misses: 4-5

LOTS of learning points/funny from this back-breaking, muscle aching but rewarding trip:

1. Cut waves at 45degress and not perpendicular.
2. Reading echo sounder graphs for productive fishing spots
3. Parking the boat at the correct spot, taking into consideration of current flow and wind direction.
4. Tying apollo hooks
5. Wear gloves if you are going to pull anchor manually for the day
6. Kids really like to ask WHY...Princess WHY got her nick because she never stop asking WHY the whole day...amazing! I have problem keeping up with answers to her WHYs...

We have Captain Desmond's daughter Princess 'WHY' (Y for short) to entertain us today and she is sure a hyper active girl...Ben and I were busying baby-sitting her for the entire day. Fun!
Princess Y was very busy snapping pictures the whole day with my camera...she really likes photography..

Ben started the day with a nice table-sized grunter.

My turn was next with a nice size fighter - Ang Kway. About 1kg plus accordingly to the 'accurate' vision-to-speech 'ROBIN' brand weighing tool...

Robin was the only Zero fighter till 4pm and finally he was rewarded with a huge grunter. Happy man at last but still lost out to my Ang Kway...

To view more pictures, pls visit my facebook group Fun@Kayak & Boat Fishing: